Opinions…opinions…”Which (fill in the blank) is the “best”?

Opinions! Opinions, it has been said are like our rear ends–everybody has one and they stink. I am not sure if I would quite put it that way, but it is sort of humorous to supply it here for a bit of comic relief before I get down to business. When it comes to opinions […]

FROM THE FOERPEAK: Person Overboard Drills–Part Three of Three

This is Captain Paul Foer “From the Foerpeak” with Part Three of my three-part series on Conducting Person Overboard Drills or Person in Water (PIW). In parts one and two we discussed the importance of drills and practicing for rescuing a person in the water. We covered locating, procedures, and approaching the victim. Now we […]

From the Foerfront: A Truly Ridiculous Sailing Mis-Adventure

This is Captain Paul Foer From The Foerfront with another article about boating safety and seamanship. The below is the unedited letter I recently had published in the November, 2017 Spinsheet, The Chesapeake’s monthly sailing journal. I hope you find it to be of interest and that you will consider the lessons to be learned so we can all […]